I go wild cause you break me open
wild cause you left me here
i go wild
Wild because the chips are down
wild because there isnand't anybody else around
wild when the waves start to break
and god knows theyand're breaking in me now
Wild and'cause it doesnand't make sense
for me to cry out in my own defense
wild and'cause i would do anything
to tear you off your precious fence
So this is what itand's like living in limbo
first iand'm high then iand'm solo
I go wild
and'cause you break me open
and'cause you left me here
i go wild
and'cause your promises are broken
when i know youand're near
i go wild
i go wild
Tell me what youand've come for
moving like a hunter through my back door
leaving the perfume of all you adore
to die nameless on my floor
Yeah well we both know you donand't play fair
i guess you really think that you get me there
letand's be honest perhaps this little ride
is too much for even you to bear
Youand've got a lot of nerve to come back here
youand're not the only one who can smell fear
I go wild
and'cause you break me open
and'cause you left me here
i go wild
and'cause your promises are broken
donand't you get it dear
youand're not the only one who lives on instincts
no iand've got instincts of my own
Youand've got a lot of nerve to come back
plan your attack yeah i am still waiting
you wrote the rules to try to contain me
you broke and'em
now you have untamed me
i go wild
i go wild
Tell me what youand've come for
what is it you adore
wonand't you tell me?
what would you
go wild for?
Youand've got a lot of nerve to come back here
speak up my darling i have been waiting
I go wild
and'cause you break me open
and'cause you left me here
i go wild
and'cause your promises are broken
donand't you get it dear
youand're not the only one who lives on instincts
no iand've got instincts of my own
Youand've got alot of nerve to come back
plan your attack yeah i am still waiting
you wrote the rules to try and contain me
you broke and'em
now you have untamed me
i go wild
i go wild
Father :
communication is more than just words, communication is architecture,
because of course it is quite obvious that a house which would be built without that
will that desire to communicate, would not look the way your house looks today