I was listening to my radio
when something went wrong
the voice of the announcer
suddenly came on he said
andquot;we interrupt this program with late
breaking news, last night they
arrested the king of the jewsandquot;
he said andquot;we take you now to
pilateand's house where christ
is on trialandquot; it sounded like
the announcer was wearing a smile
as he described the accusations
in the judgement hall
and how jesus just stood
there didnand't say nothing at all
andquot;get ready everybody,
the judgementand's cominand' downandquot;
i held my breath, i closed my eyes
i didnand't make a sound
andquot;jesus defeatedandquot; was all that he said,
andquot;guilty, convicted and sentenced to death,
soon it will be finished on a cross made of wood
looks like its over for good, jesus defeatedandquot;
His next few words
i could hardly believe,
he said andquot;weand're standing
here at calvaryand's tree,
the sky has turned black,
blood covers the land,
from the spear in his side
and the nails in his hands,
now some called him a saviour,
said he lived without sin,
some said it did not do much for him,
some called him messiah, godand's only son,
others shook their heads and
said the good die young.andquot;
andquot;jesus defeatedandquot; was all that he said
andquot;guilty , convicted and now he is dead,
yes, it is finished on a cross made of wood,
looks like itand's over for good,jesus defeatedandquot;
yeah, jesus is defeated when
you look at the grave,
until you see that the
stoneand's been rolled away,
jesus is defeated when you
look at all the pain he had to feel
until you read isaiah 53 and
it says thatand's the way we were healed
and jesus was defeated when you
look at everything he went thru
and then you realize he went
thru it for me and you,
things in the media theyand're not
always what they seem,
jesus is alive, do you know what that means?
end spoken)
it means, jesus defeated
the power of death,
oh yes it happened
just like he said,
he bore our sins on
a cross made of wood
he triumphed over evil for good
and the one who built
his kingdom on bondage and fear,
the one who killed the prophets,
left their families in tears,
the father of lies, the author of sin,
everybody this just in, it was him ....
jesus defeated!