You better be
Good little boys,
Or mama's gonna have to take away your toys
Listen to me,
You don't behave,
You're gonna play yourselves right into the grave.
But you ain't taking
Mama along
And if you think you are, you're thinking wrong.
Noah noticed all that mud
So he built the ark, he was a clever kid
But tell me now: who do you think
Brought on that flood?
Mama did, mama did!
So you better be
Good little boys,
Or mama's gonna have to take away your toys
You think you're cute
In your general's suit,
Shooting everybody down root-a-toot-toot.
Rattling swords
And polishing brass
And if you don't stop she's gonna kick your ass.
Moses paces on that mound
Waits for god to say a thing or two.
But who do you think
Provides that ground? i'm telling you,
Mama do, mama do!
So no more bombs!
And no more doom!
Now don't make mama have to clean your room!
The resident president
You may be
But honey you ain't to big to take across my knee.
So you better be
Good little boys,
Or mama's gonna take away...
... i don't wanna do it, but you blow me up, and you kiss me off, and one of these days you're gonna piss me off...
And mama's gonna take away...
... i don't wanna do it, but your underground bombs are putting holes in my rug, and one of these days i'm gonna pull your plug...
And mama's gonna take away...
... i do not want to do it, but you gonna make me. i mean your trigger's cocked, and your fuse is lit, and mama ain't about to take no more of your shit.
She's gonna take away your toys!
28:48 end this little blue planet, she' all we got
So listen while your mama
Says what what what what what what...
I am going away, i heard her say
I'm going away, i heard her say
I'm going away, won't someone say goodbye...