Psalm 23, the lord our shepherd:
the lord is my shepherd, i have everything i need, he lets me wrest in fields of
green grass and leeds my to quite pools of fresh water - he gives me new strenght
he guides me in the right oath as he has promised - even ig i go thru the deepest
darkness i will not be afraid - lord, for you are with me - the shepherds ride
and stare protect me - you prepeared backwards for me so all my enemies can
see me - you welcome me as an honoured guest and feel my comfortable grim
i know that you goodness will be with me all my life - and your house will be
my home as long as i live - amen
G.o.d. you're the one i need
g.o.d. come and rescue me
I stopped working for a second and thought about my life - nowhere to either run
or to hide - g.o.d. the inventor creator - you changed my life into a dream and
i can testify - so much pain so much sorrow - there's a life after death like today
and tomorrow - i feel stupid don't know what to say - i thank you g.o.d. in more
than a thousand ways - let's pray our father in heaven - each and everyday me
praise receive your blessings - we ask for peace and no more war - uprise my lord
and cure the sick, lonely, the humble, the poor - peace out to those daily waiting for my
fall - your goodness - and love will be with me all my life - your house will be my home lord help me to survive
G.o.d. you're the one i nead
g.o.d. come and rescue me
You provided me with strength i was lost humble and week - realize where i stand lord i
can't speak - now shot like a rocket in the business with full speed - yesterday i had to
suffer defeat - protect me from my foes how high can i reach - you work in mysterious ways that's why you are unique - your goodness your love i'll obtain all my life - your house will
be my home lord help me to survive
G.o.d. you're the one i nead
g.o.d. come and rescue me
Yeah, that's life, i remember the lonely days, nobody there but the loard, believe in god
and he'll always show you the way - that's what i can say - he opens doors and believe me
one day sunshine will come your way - and in the name of nana abrokwa - peace - god
Ho, ho, hoooo, yeah....
g.o.d. you're the one i nead (oh, dear god!)
g.o.d. (oh, g.o.d.!) come and rescue me (you're the one i need)
g.o.d. (g.o.d.) come and rescue me (my heavenly father)
g.o.d. (g.o.d.) come and rescue me (you're the one i need)