Daz: yee-hah!
you cheeky bastards
d a z here, my old mate rik
listen who the fucking hell do you think you are?
trying to download this off the net
we just wont allow it
why donand't you go and part with 2.99 of your hard earned
and'int that right rik?
rik: certainly is daz
daz: iand'll tell you what weand'll do
because weand're like this weand'll let you have 10 seconds of the chorus before we talk again
Original: andquot;like a rhinestone cowboy
riding out on a horse in a star spangled rodeo
like a rhinestone cowboy
getting cards and letters from people i donand't even know
and offers coming over the phoneandquot;
Daz: alright listen up you lot
cos er iand'm just fucking fed up of this
make sure you check out
especially kids corner
itand's your indispensible guide to a better criminal life
also check the album
whatand's the album called rik?
rik: are you ready for this?
daz: i certainly am what you gonna do?
exactly caught you out there didnand't i love
so andquot;are you ready for this?andquot;
itand's out on serious records
thats if you can be bother paying the ad batch
the tight fisted bastards
Original: andquot;like a rhinestone cowboy
giddy up, giddy upandquot;
Daz: right itand's time for us to go now
but before we go rik wants to say a few words rik!
rik: i love you all
right so donand't forget november the 11th
it might be november the 18th
and'cos the bastards are messing us about
also donand't forget you can catch us on the smash hits tour
where we appearing on that rik?
rik: fuck knows
daz: exactly
but wherever it is weand'll be a pile of shite and weand'll be put on first cause weand're crap
and weand'll stink the joint out
au reviour
rik: daz has gone everybody
heand's got a 12 o clock with his trumpet or other
i think heand's just nicked my car as well
so erm er buy this record
enjoy the mp3, whatand's left of it
daz: oh oh oh i think iand'm gonna blow
oh itand's beautiful oooh
rik: listeners i canand't apoligise enough
please buy the record you wont get any of this crap on it
daz: er also listeners just incase there are any homosexual fans trying to download
please check out our managers websites thats gayjoe@gayjoe.com
rik: heand's waiting for your call
daz: 0794....
Original: andquot;itand's your last chance to sing come on
like a rhinestone cowboy
riding out on a horse in a star spangled rodeo
like a rhinestone cowboy
getting cards and letters from people i donand't even know
and offers coming over the phoneandquot;