Iand'll read you poetry iand'll tell you what i know to be true
iand'll make a sentimental observation about the moon
iand'll kiss you so that you could think that kisses are sublime
but i wonand't spend a penny and'cause
all that youand're worth is my time
I got this relationship with songfight we go way back
and we never broke up but monthsand'll go by when i donand't call back
and songfightand's on my answering machine crying, drunk on a weeknight
begging me just to sneak by
i keep bypassing the fashionable titles,
unbridling beats this thick plus dope recital
only once per blue moon, coincidental with a typhoon
of votes in my favor and doom
for any rival of romantic intent
no matter how i treat her songfight loves me best
even though i never once took her someplace nice
all i ever gotta do is look her deep in the eyes
open up the trap, let the romance flow
and mc frontalot has got her good to go
I come from the old school of the song fight where you must win
it wasnand't polite back then to talk about what band whoand's in
just get in the ring and it had better sound a little
like you know how to sing
or else what you wasting my time for?
i donand't get like andquot;free internetandquot;
my bandwidthand's limited
i mean in steaddd of this, i could be fishing for pr0ns
with my dick out. all kinds of opportunities stick out
in my mind when i consider not clicking
this list of your lame ass eight times cause youand're that tricky
and nobody knocks twice for these songs you tape
except by mistake, and hit escape
then again i love every single worthless last one of you
youand're like a bottomless drain for my invective to funnel through
and you can call her every week, you wonand't win the heart
songfight was frontalotand's (when?) from the start
Now for the rest of you song fight types up long nights
trying to get the solo right, hope somebody on the boards is nice
holds your hand, says itand's okay that front always wins
that your song isnand't necessarily shallow and thin
like one of the rest of you said in the review thread
hoping to earn songfightand's love and respect
nevertheless, the actual fact of the situation
songfight is stingier than i am, and sheand's patient
she waits when she has to for frontalot to come
endures bunk songs that would knock many wooees numb
but not my songfight, sheand's ever vigilant
i stick my tongue in her butthole and wiggle it
even though i call her up collect for phone sex
mc front jumps the line, comes next
and all yand'all with your big bouquets could wait out here
while i whisper sweet nothing rhymes
up in her ear, never you fear songfight
iand'm holding you dear