Land'as de trefle (1) nand'a pas de conseil a donner
[the ace of clubs has no advice to give]
Prends le vague a land'ame ou la vie du bon cote
[take the vague melancholy or the life on the right side]
La premiere solution des land'introduction
[the first solution from the introduction]
Se doit dand'etre bonne comme une nonne en devotion
[has to be as good as a nun in devotion]
(dji ?) est un mec qui nand'a pas de chance
[(?) is a guy whoand's not lucky]
Le fils de land'amour regrette sa date de naissance
[the son of love regrets his birth date]
Etre different land'a beaucoup stresse
[being different has made him nervous a lot]
Land'opinion publique land'a beaucoup vexe
[the public opinion much vexed him]
Mais sa vie en main oubliant les apparences
[but his life well in hand, forgetting the appearances]
Parceque depuis land'enfance il vit dans le monde du silence
[because since his childhood heand's deaf]
Au boulot on le voit comme un humanoide
[at his job heand's seen as a humanoid]
Sa promotion est une course de spermatozoides
[his progress is a spermatozoides race]
Land'handicape a happe land'handicape,
[the handicapped has snaped up at the handicapped]
Ses capacites lui ont fait franchir le cap du dedain
[his capacity made him pass the cape of disdain]
Et de la non-communication
[and of non-communication]
Avec calme et brio il est objet dand'admiration
[with calm and brio heand's subject to admiration]
Devotion pour etre top telle evangelista
[devotion to be a and'topand' such as evangelista]
Parcequand'un faux devot devant sa rue la pista
[because a fake devout trailed her in front of her street]
De castings en castings elle attend le verdict
[from castings to castings she waits for the verdict]
Il tombe quand la nuit tombe: andquot;vous etes trop petiteandquot;
[itand's returned when night falls: andquot;youand're to littleandquot;]
Alors elle baisse les bras (*) au lieu de relever la tete
[so she lowers her arms instead of holding her head high]
Elle est belle mais pas seule comme land'etait la schtroumpfette (2)
[sheand's beautiful but not alone as was the schtroumpfette]
Le lendemain matin jand'entends quand'elle pousse la voix
[the following moring i can hear her voice]
Parcequand'un faux devot devant sa rue la flatta
[because a fake devout flattered her in front..]
Petite tu vas chanter et il la fait chanter
[and'littleand', you are going to sing and he makes her sing]
Si tu veux etre star donne moi ton porte-monnaie
[if you want to be a star gimme your wallet]
Je sais quand'elle est trop fiere pour demander de land'aide
[i know sheand's to much proud to beg help]
Trop fiere pour ceder pourtant elle cede
[to proud to give up, yet she does]
Ma fille tand'es sans defaut, mefie-toi des faux devots
[my girl youand're faultless, beware of fake devouts]
Mefie-toi des mefaits des faux qui te disent sans defaut
[beware of the misdeeds of untrue people who tell you youand're
Lutece (3) est pleine de princesses qui aiment cette promotion
[lutece is full of princesses who like this progress]
Toi tu es une deesse vouee a land'admiration
[you, youand're a goddess devoted to admiration]
Il porte une big rolex, sand'habille chez smalto
[he wears a and'bigand' rolex, buys his clothes to smaltoand's]
Fume des coibas comme fidel castro
[smokes coibas like fidel]
Investit ses assedics (4) dans land'apparat, pourquoi ?
[invests his and'assedicsand' in pomp, why ?]
Parceque land'habit peut faire le moine, parfois
[cause one can judge people by their appearance, sometimes]
Alors il se sape (sl.) et va chercher du taff (= pot ? maybe...)
[so he gets well-dressed and picks up and'taffand']
On ne lui donne pas parcequand'il fait bien trop gaffe (sl.)
[heand's not given because he takes to much care]
En fait il veut etre boss pour ne pas bosser
[in fact he wants to be a boss to not work]
Pour pouvoir land'ouvrir a land'inverse de land'ouvrier
[to be able to open unlike the worker]
Mais bon bien vite il doit constater que pour etre boss
[but he quickly finds that, to be a boss]
Et bien, mon pote, il faut bosser
[well, my friend, you have to work]
Il se dit andquot;comment faire pour chiller comme un macandquot;
[he says to himself andquot;how could i and'chilland' like a and'mackand']
Pres du lac a la recherche de son passe
[near the lake on the search for his past]
Land'as de trefle nand'a pas de conseil a donner
[the ace of clubs has no advice to give]
Prends le vague a land'ame ou la vie du bon cote
[take ... or the life on the right side]
Apres le developpement voici la conclusion
[after the exposition hereand's the conclusion]
Acte (sl.) avec tact et capte land'admiration
[and'actand' with tact and catch the admiration]